Don’t assume you can’t afford to buy a home. You can, and here’s how.
If you’d like to buy a home but are worried you can’t afford it, I have good news: There are a few ways you can buy a home with 100% financing.
The first is by using a VA loan, which is reserved for veterans and active-duty members of the Armed Forces.
Click here to learn more about qualifying borrowers, benefits and more.
"There are few ways you can buy a home with 100% financing"
Another options is taking advantage of conventional financing programs, which allow a 97% loan-to-value rate on a 30-year fixed loan. Some FHA loan products allow up a 96.5% loan-to-value rate as well.
If you’re curious whether any of these loans are right for you or you have any other real estate questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.